10 July, 2015 a roundtable meeting "Ukraine and Japan Partnership in information sphere" with the participation of the Minister Yurii Stets and the representatives of the Embassy of Japan in Ukraine is to be held

10 July, 2015 at 13:00 in NA “Ukrinform” a roundtable meeting “Ukraine and Japan Partnership in the information sphere” with the Minister of Information Policy of Ukraine Yurii Stets and the representatives of the Embassy of Japan in Ukraine, is to be held.

Arranged by: the Ministry of Information Policy of Ukraine.

Event participants:

Yurii Stets – the Minister of Information Policy of Ukraine;

Shiheki Sumy – the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to Ukraine;

Serhiy Leshchenko – MP of 8th convocation of “Block Petro Poroshenko” party, representative of the school of journalism Ukrainian Catholic University;

Vasiliy Jablonski – the Deputy Director of the Institute for Strategic Studies;

Dmitriy Dubov – member of the ECMIP, head of research at the Information Society and Information Strategies Institute for Strategic Studies;

Konstantinov Viktor – PhD in Political Sciences;

Golubiy Igor – PhD in Economic Sciences;

Danylenko Sergiy – Doctor of Political Sciences, member of the ECMIP (the issue of information policy, strategic communications, the role of the public sector);

Panchenko Janna – PhD in Political Sciences.