Ministry of Culture
and Information Policy of Ukraine

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Latest news

Rostyslav Karandieiev met with representatives of the “AI For Good” foundation

Ukraine and India have signed a Cultural Cooperation Program

Ukraine and India have signed a Cultural Cooperation Program

Digital Fortress for Ukrainian Culture: The Ministry of Culture and Information Policy creates an electronic catalog of Ukrainian museum treasures

«Communicating for Ukraine»: a training program for amalgamated territorial communities has been launched

The first meeting of the Ukrainian-Indian working group on cultural cooperation took place

Upcoming Events

Presentation of the national programme for the promotion of the English language in Ukraine

Presentation of the national programme for the promotion of the English language in Ukraine

Press conferences
On January 18, a panel discussion "From Protecting Ukraine’s Cultural Heritage to Promoting Investment Advantages Globally" with the participation of Google and Netflix will be held at Ukrainian House in Davos

On January 18, a panel discussion "From Protecting Ukraine’s Cultural Heritage to Promoting Investment Advantages Globally" with the participation of Google and Netflix will be held at Ukrainian House in Davos

23 листопада в Музеї Голодомору відкриється виставка «Leica, що бачила Голодомор», де покажуть найцінніший у світі експонат з теми Голодомору

23 листопада в Музеї Голодомору відкриється виставка «Leica, що бачила Голодомор», де покажуть найцінніший у світі експонат з теми Голодомору

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