11 September in Lviv a presentation of the book by Berezovets "The annexation: Island of the Crimea" is to take place

Ukrainian political expert, Crimean Taras Berezovets will officially present his first book “The annexation: Island of the Crimea. The chronicles of “hybrid warfare” in Lviv Publishers’ Forum, supported by the leading Ukrainian publishing house “Bright-books”.

The event will be held on Friday, 11 September, at 11:00, at the Palace of Arts, in the conference room (17 Kopernyka Street). Immediately after the official presentation communication and autograph session with the author Taras Berezovets will take place, stand with the book No221 (1).

The book analyzes the events of the Crimean occupation by the Russian Federation troops (“green men”) in chronological order: starting from 18 February, 2014 – the beginning of the mass shooting in Kyiv’s Independence Square, when Putin finally decided to invade the Crimea, and ending 18 March, 2014, when the Crimea and Sevastopol were “included” to the list of subjects in the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Oleksandr Jankowskyi,well-known Crimean journalist about the book by Taras Berezovets: “I hope that this book will help Ukrainians to understand better what actually happened in February – March 2014 in Simferopol, Sevastopol and other cities of the Crimean Peninsula, why the peninsula was captured practically without firing a shot and whether the civilians could resist heavily armed invaders”.

Oleh Medvedev, political consultant and Advisor to the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, in his review of the book said that “the work of Berezovets – is a finished criminal case against Putin and his henchmen”.

“The annexation: Island of the Crimea” contains exclusive evidences provided specifically for this book by Ukrainian, Russian and international politicians and military experts, journalists and activists who witnessed the occupation.

The book will be available for order through the Internet site Yakaboo and in bookstores of Ukraine on 16 September.