12 November, at 13.00 in the news agency "Ukrinform" the presentation of book edition "Poems of War" by Borys Humenyuk in Crimean Tatar language is to be held

12 November, at 13.00 in the news agency “Ukrinform” the presentation of book edition “Poems of War” by Borys Humenyuk in Crimean Tatar language is to be held. (Hall 1)

Participants of the event: Emine Dzheppar – Advisor to the Minister on Crimean Information Policy; Borys Humenyuk – a poet, member of the National Union of Writers of Ukraine, deputy commander of the volunteer battalion OUN in 2014,  head of Ukrainian military organization; Bohdan Chervak – First Deputy Chairman of the State Committee for Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine, head of the OUN; Elvira Bulat – a founder and director of Smart Business Academy, stakeholder of the project; Pavlo Shchyrytsia – a poet, chief editor.