5 August, at 13:00, Deputy Minister Tetiana Popova is to take part in the press conference "What makes Russian journalists to seek refuge in Ukraine …"

5 August, 2015 in news agency “Ukrinform” a press conference on “What makes Russian journalists to seek refuge in Ukraine. Stories about manipulations in the Russian media on the coverage of the crisis in the east of Ukraine” is to be held.

Journalist of “Public Television of Donbas” Ksenia Chayka will tell reporters about the schemes of distortion of reality on Russian television, which she saw from the inside, and through her own disagreement with the methods used in the Russian media about coverage of events in the Donbas, she was forced to leave Moscow and chose to work in independent regional media “Public TV of Donbas”.

Cristian  Jereghi, director, war correspondent, will tell why decided to give up Russian citizenship for Ukrainian.

Tetiana Popova, Deputy Minister of Information Policy of Ukraine, will talk about support of foreign journalists, aspects of staying in Ukraine and the possibility of granting citizenship.