6 April, at 15.00 pm in the news agency "Ukrinform" singer Jamala will meet with foreign journalists and bloggers

On Wednesday, 6 April, at 15.00 pm in the news agency “Ukrinform” (Hall 1) the Ukrainian singer and composer Jamala will hold a meeting with foreign journalists and bloggers.

Subject: the participation of the Ukrainian singer Jamala in the song contest “Eurovision-2016” in Stockholm with the song “1944”, which is dedicated to the deportation of the Crimean Tatars.

Translation into English is provided.

Organizer: the Ministry of Information Policy of Ukraine

[email protected]

Ukrinform” address: B. Khmelnytskoho str., 8/16 (the Metro station “Teatralna”)

Contact phones:  (044) 279-22-42, 279-00-05, 244-90-47,  200 46 24

Entrance is available by official ID and NUJU cards.