9 September in Krasnoarmyisk a briefing and a meeting with students of Advisor to the Minister Oleksandr Brygynets is to be held

9 September, 2015 at 10.00 in Krasnoarmiysk will be held a briefing with the participation of Advisor to the Minister of Information Policy of Ukraine Oleksandr Brygynets.

Representatives of local media and the public are invited to the event.

The briefing will take place in the courtroom of Krasnoarmiysk City Council (1st floor) in Krasnoarmiysk, 11 Shybankova square.

Later, at 11.20, Advisor to the Minister will meet with students of Krasnoarmiysk Industrial Institute of the State Higher Educational Institution “Donetsk National Technical University”.

Oleksandr Brygynets will talk to young people about information policy and information warfare, as part of a hybrid war.

The meeting will take place at: Krasnoarmiysk, 2 Shybankova square.

Telephone: 095-722-05-10.