Is the Crimean Tatar autonomy on the territory of Kherson region myth or reality?

8 August, a press conference and photo exhibition on the achievements of the region will take place to the Independence Day of Ukraine at news agency “Ukrinform” (at 11.00 a.m.). (Hall 1)

Participants: Andriy Hordeev, Chairman of the Kherson regional state administration, Sergiy Hlan, MP of Ukraine; Emine Dzhaparova, First Deputy Minister of information policy of Ukraine.

Extra information: Kherson region is a unique region, which is almost 2 million hectares of fertile land; has access to the two seas, the largest natural parks on the Dnipro river, the Europe’s largest sandy desert and is bordered with the occupied Crimea.

Kherson region attracts investors, actively develops and annually increases the flow of tourists. The region is actively helping the ATO participants and their families, resettlers from Crimea, Donetsk and Lugansk regions.

Many activities to ensure the protection of the region from external aggression and separatism at all levels are carried out in Kherson region.

“Ukrinform” address: B. Khmelnytskoho Str., 8/16 (metro station “Teatralna”).

Contact phones: (044) 279-20-60, 279-00-05.

Entrance is available by official ID and NUJU cards.