June 14: Screening of First Film in “How the War Began. Film Chronicles. Witnesses” Documentary Cycle

On 14 June 2019, at 6:00pm, the first film “After the Maidan. Crimea” in the documentary film cycle “How the War Began. Film Chronicles. Witnesses,” produced with the support of the Ministry of Information Policy of Ukraine, is to be presented at the Territory of Terror memorial museum.

The film screening will be followed up by a discussion moderated by Yeva Raiska, a journalist and writer, who reached the final of the Crimean Fig competition and contributed to the Crimean Fig anthology. Her articles have been published in “Tyzhden.UA,” “The Ukrainians,” and “Zbruc.”

The discussion will feature such speakers as Emine Dzhaparova, First Deputy Minister of Information Policy of Ukraine; Vasyl Kmet, director of the library at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv; Amet Deliaver Ohly Bekir, mediator at the Territory of Terror museum; and Tetiana Huzyk, journalist, author, and documentary film director.

The cycle includes two films, with the second film titled “The Onslaught. Donbas.” The films tell the story of people who witnessed or participated in the events in Ukraine that marked the beginning of covert Russian-Ukrainian war, covering the period from the burial of the Heavenly Hundred to the first victories of volunteer battalions and the liberation of Mariupol.

The first film to be presented at the museum shows the events that marked a sort of “tectonic shift”—from the Heavenly Hundred to the beginning of the onslaught in Crimea. It features Crimeans, Ukrainian citizens—students, members of the Crimean Tatar community, and volunteers—those who witnessed Crimean occupation; those who brings closer the peninsula’s return home, to Ukraine.