On 19 December, Art Project “MoreThanUs” to Be Presented

On the night of December 18th to 19th, at 1:15am, “MoreThanUs”, an art project of the National Unity, will be presented at Osokorky subway station. The project is a unique and integral picture consisting of eight murals on the walls of Osokorky subway station, all of which are related to the topic of Ukraine’s national unity.

Starting on 18 September 2018, the artists worked on the project every day from 1 to 5am for four months. They include Matew Down (Belgium), Apollo Tores (Brazil), Kraser (Spain), Jasm One (Switzerland), Mata Ruda (Costa Rica), Alexander Britcev (Ukraine), Spear (Belgium), BkFoxx (US).

The opening will be attended by the organisers, politicians, diplomats, and international partners.

Accreditation for the media is available until December 18th, 6:00pm via +380978886386 or [email protected].

Venue: Osokorky subway station platform.

Entrance by press cards.