The launch of the Crimean Tatar version of the international broadcasting channel UA | TV

13 December, a press conference dedicated to the launch of the Crimean Tatar version of the international broadcasting channel UA | TV of the International broadcasting multimedia platform of Ukraine will take place at 13.00. (Hall 1)

Organizer: Ministry of information policy of Ukraine.

Participants: Emine Dzhaparova – the First Deputy Minister of information policy of Ukraine; Lyudmyla Berezovska – the General Director of the SE “International broadcasting multimedia platform of Ukraine”; Khalise Zinedine – the head of the Crimean Tatar edition of the SE “International broadcasting multimedia platform of Ukraine”.

“Ukrinform” address :  8/16  B. Khmelnytskyi Street, (subway station “Teatralna”)

Telephone: (044) 279-20-60, 279-00-05

Entrance is available only by official ID and NUJU cards.