Ukrainian social-humanitarian science about the occupation and deoccupation of the Crimea

18 April, a round table on the topic “Ukrainian social-humanitarian science: The context of the occupation and deoccupation of the Crimea” will be held at 12:00 p.m. (Room 2)

Organizers: Ministry of information policy of Ukraine; The Institute of Ukrainian archeology named after M.S. Hrushevskyi of the NAS of Ukraine.

Participants: Emine Dzhaparova – the First Deputy minister of information policy; Giorgi Papakin– the Director of the Institute of Ukrainian archeology named after M.S. Hrushevskyi of the NAS of Ukraine., Doctor of historical sciences; Alexander Mavrin – the Deputy Director of the IAS named after M.S. Hrushevskyi of the NAS of Ukraine; Dmitry Gordienko – the employee of the IAS named after M.S. Hrushevskyi of the NAS; Vyacheslav Kornienko – the Deputy Director-General of the Sofia Kiev National Reserve; Gulnara Abdoulaeva – Crimean historian; Serhiy Gromenko – Crimean historian and publicist, candidate of historical sciences, correspondent for Radio Freedom; Ruslan Demchuk – the Assistant professor of Culture of the National University of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, candidate of Philosophical sciences.

Questions for discussion:

– The Crimean diplomatic project of the rehabilitation and reconstruction of the Crimean Khanates XV-XVIII centuries.

– The nature and structure of the sources of Crimean history.

– The strategy of the socio-humanistic liberation of Crimea.

– The monuments of the Crimean Khanates as a source of research into Crimean heritage.

– The first occupation of the Crimea in 1783 and its consequences.

– Russian myths of the Crimean history in the official Russian discourse.

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“Ukrinform” address: 8/16 B. Khmelnytskyi Street, (subway station “Teatralna”)

Telephone: (044) 279-20-60, 279-00-05

Media accreditation by email: [email protected]

Entrance is available only by official ID and NUJU cards.