Ukrinform News Agency to Host Press Conference on "ATR Restores Broadcasting in Kyiv" on June 18

June 18, Thursday, at 11:00, Ukrinform news agency will host a press conference on “ATR Restores Broadcasting in Kyiv. First Crimean Tatar TV Channel of Ukraine Remains Main Independent Television Channel in the Crimea”

The press conference will be attended by:

• Refat Chubarov — Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, people’s deputy of Ukraine

• Lenur Isliamov — owner of ATR Group media holding

• Sergii Kostynskyi — Advisor to Minister of Information Policy of Ukraine

Speakers will talk about the situation created around ATR channel in the occupied Crimea, the new start, and the strategy of channel development on mainland Ukraine.

 The event is arranged by the Ministry of Information Policy of Ukraine.

 Media accreditation will be available onsite