Тип матеріалу: Video

Yurii Stets talks about the prospects, realities and possibilities of broadcasting renewal on the frontline in ATO zone

Yurii Stets talks about the prospects, realities and possibilities of broadcasting renewal on the frontline in ATO zone

All authorities need to combine their efforts to renew the Ukrainian broadcasting in ATO zone

All authorities need to combine their efforts to renew the Ukrainian broadcasting in ATO zone

Yurii Stets talks about the strategy of returning the temporarily occupied territories

Yurii Stets talks about the strategy of returning the temporarily occupied territories

Deputy Minister Artem Bidenko talks about the construction of TV towers in ATO zone

Deputy Minister Artem Bidenko talks about the construction of TV towers in ATO zone

First Deputy Minister: "Jamala's victory – is a great victory"

First Deputy Minister: "Jamala's victory – is a great victory"

First Deputy Minister: "The Crimean Tatars have a strong history of nonviolent resistance"

First Deputy Minister: "The Crimean Tatars have a strong history of nonviolent resistance"

Emine Dzhaparova: "The occupation of Crimea has violated all the agreements that were established at the Yalta conference in 1945"

Emine Dzhaparova: "The occupation of Crimea has violated all the agreements that were established at the Yalta conference in 1945"

MIP campaign with students in support of the Crimean Tatars

MIP campaign with students in support of the Crimean Tatars

The First Deputy Minister addressed the UN Permanent Forum on indigenous issues

The First Deputy Minister addressed the UN Permanent Forum on indigenous issues

The Student Council under MIP will conduct a flash mob in support of Jamala on Eurovision

The Student Council under MIP will conduct a flash mob in support of Jamala on Eurovision