Minister of Information Policy of Ukraine Yurii Stets has reported to journalists, public on the year of activity and publicly announced about his resignation


8 December 2015, the Minister of Information Policy of Ukraine Yurii Stets has publicly announced about his resignation, demonstrating his statement during the report of the Government’s members of security block concerning the implement of the Action Plan of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, which was held in the Club of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

“A year ago I promised that I must perform 4 functions as the Minister and a year after to leave this post. Today I am announcing my resignation, and today I will pass it to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine”, – said Yurii Stets.

Minister noted that today the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of Ukraine had adopted in the second reading the draft law developed by the Ministry of Information Policy of Ukraine “On foreign broadcasting system of Ukraine”. “Thus, only signature of the President of Ukraine is needed to finish the reform of foreign broadcasting of Ukraine” – added the Minister.

Yurii Stets presented the results by reporting on 4 areas of work that were identified by MIP at the beginning of the year:

MIP progress analysis for the year

Report on broadcasting restoration

In addition, Yurii Stets demonstrated a video presentation of his activities as the Minister of Information Policy of Ukraine.