Ministry of Information Policy of Ukraine and Ukrainian editorship "Radio Svoboda" presented "Radio Krym.Realii"


Today, 22 September, in press center of the Cabinet of Ministers of, the Ministry of Information Policy of Ukraine held a press conference “The second phase of restoration of the Crimean radio broadcasting. The presentation “Radio Krym. Realii”.

Participants of the event were: Sergii Kostynskyi, member of the National Television and Radio Broadcasting Council of Ukraine; Oleh Nalyvaiko, Chairman of the State Committee for television and radio broadcasting of Ukraine; Mariana Drach, director of the Ukrainian editorship of Radio Svoboda; Volodymyr Prutyla, head of the Crimean project Radio Svoboda “Krym.Realii”; (; Oleksandr Jankowskyi, head of TV and radio program “Krym.Realii”.

According to Sergii Kostynskyi, in March, MIP restored broadcasting of Ukrainian radio on the territory of the Crimea, which was terminated due to disconnect from the electrical tower in Luch, Mykolaiv district. And later, MIP wholly solved the problem of these blackouts, which have become systemic.

“All registered facts of blackouts were considered by the Commission on ensuring stable functioning of the national television and radio broadcasting, which was established under the Ministry. Under the results of the commission, MIP has submitted to the Government draft Resolution No 317 “Issue of ensuring sustainable functioning of state-owned objects of strategic importance for economy and national security in telecommunications and communication during special period”. The project was unanimously supported by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine”, – said Kostynskyi.

At the same time the MIP initiated the creation and placement on the air of the First Ukrainian radio channel, on the frequency of 549 kHz, a number of Crimean programs in Russian, Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar languages, which partially offset the destruction of Ukrainian media in the occupied peninsula.

“Moreover, MIP reached an agreement with Radio Svoboda and Ukrainian radio on creation of a joint project “Radio Krym. Realii”. In a six months, the project started to broadcast in the Crimea at a frequency of 549 kHz, “- said a member of the National Television and Radio Broadcasting Council.

Director of the Ukrainian editorship of Radio Svoboda Mariana Drach said that Ukrainian editorship of Radio Svoboda has been working in Ukraine for 61 years. “The new project for Crimean people is a new challenge for editorship, whose mission is to promote democratic values ​​through dissemination of good information – said Mariana Drach. – According to Ukrainian and international human rights activists the situation in the peninsula is sharpening, so it is important for us to support Crimean people especially at this time”.


“Crimean journalists, who work as in the occupied peninsula and on the mainland of Ukraine, oversee the  Crimean project Radio Svoboda “Krym.Realii”, – said project manager, editor of Krym.Realii Volodymyr Prytula, who for about 20 years was an correspondent of the Ukrainian editorship  of “Radio Svoboda” in the Crimea before the annexation.

According to head of TV and radio program “Krym.Realii” Oleksandr Jankowskyi, residents of the annexed peninsula, despite the obstacles of the occupation authorities, will be able to get the full range of information about events in the world, Ukraine, Russia and native peninsula. Journalists of Radio Krym.Realii will strongly contribute to this.

“Radio Krym. Realii” broadcast on the First Ukrainian radio channel every day at 8:35 and 18:30. The program is available at medium-frequency waves of 549 kilohertz.