MIP Develops Draft Resolution to Ban Power Supply Restrictions for Strategically Important Communication and Telecommunication Facilities

Ministry of Information Policy of Ukraine, within the scope of tasks assigned to provide information sovereignty of Ukraine, particularly for dissemination of socially important information, developed a draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On Amendments to the Resolution № 83 of the Cabinet of Ukraine dated March 4, 2015”.

 The main purpose of development of the draft resolution is the creation of conditions ensuring uninterrupted power supply to state-owned facilities of strategic importance in the field of communication and telecommunication.

“As part of preventive measures to avoid situations occurred in early March in Kherson and Mykolaiv regions and at the end of the month in Ternopil region, the Ministry drafted a resolution that aims to include regional stations of BRT Concern into the list of state ownership facilities bearing strategic importance for state economy and national security. This is another step MIP takes in the framework of ensuring Ukraine’s information security”, Yurii Stets noted.

 As a reminder, on March 5, power supply to Luch branch of BRT Concern was disrupted, resulted in cessation of broadcasting TV, radio, and digital streams to Kherson and Mykolaiv regions and the AR Crimea.

 30 March, there were also television tower in Lozova of Ternopil region was also disconnected from power supply, therefore the residents of the region were unable to watch local and nationwide channels received by both analog and digital signals.