The government has appointed the First Deputy Minister of information policy of Ukraine


20 April 2016, during the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, it was decided to assign Emine Dzheppar to the post of the First Deputy Minister of information policy of Ukraine.

Emine Dzheppar is a journalist, producer, public figure. She was an assistant on national minorities in the service of the First vice prime minister for humanitarian affairs (on a pro-bono basis); an attaché in office of the third secretary of the unit on social and humanitarian affairs of the Department of cultural and humanitarian cooperation MFA of Ukraine; a host and author of a number of programmes in the Crimean Tatar TV channel ATR.

The Minister of information policy of Ukraine Yurii Stets commented: “The issue of Crimea and the Crimean Tatars is to remain a priority for the Ministry. Today, it is very important that the representatives of the Crimean Tatar people appear in legislative and executive branches of the government”.

“It was significant for me to get approval for the proposal to take the post by the Mejlis as the representative body of the Crimean Tatars. It was also agreed with the Authorized of the President of Ukraine for the Crimean Tatar people Mustafa Dzhemilev, who I’ve known since childhood and whose opinion is important to me, – commented the First Deputy Minister Emine Dzheppar. – I will continue to work on the Crimea issue. Also, the issues of European integration, the executive functions of the Ministry and others will be added to my activity”.

We will remind that from October 2015 Emine Dzheppar was appointed to the post of Advisor to the Minister on Crimean information policy. The key tasks in the position of Advisor Emine Dzheppar were the consolidation of public opinion in Crimea, support of the Crimean issue in the information discourse in Ukraine and abroad.

The First Deputy Minister of information policy of Ukraine will begin her work since the promulgation of the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.