Yurii Stets and Sergii Kostynskyi Met Chairman of Majlis of Crimean Tatar People Refat Chubarov


Today, the Minister of Information Policy of Ukraine Yurii Stets and advisor to the Minister on Crimean information policy Sergii Kostynskyi met with the Chairman of Majlis of the Crimean Tatar people Refat Chubarov.

 The parties discussed the possibility to broadcast the content of Crimean Tatar ATR television channel, the kids channel LALE affiliated with it, and Meydan radio station on the mainland of Ukraine.

“With regard to support of Crimean Tatar media, I will personally hold a series of meetings with European NGOs and ambassadors of the EU states”, the Minister stated.

The Minister assured that Crimean Tatar media would be given an all-round support from the government.

“Problems of ATR TV channel and attack on the freedom of speech in Crimea is not only a problem of Ukraine, but the problem of the entire world. We all need to come together and help the journalists of Crimean Tatar media exercise their right to profession”, the Minister stressed.