Yurii Stets: "NPBCU" has got a chairman, we're moving on!"

10 April 2017 held a competition for the position of the Chairman of the Board of Public broadcasting – PJSC “National Public Broadcasting Company of Ukraine”.

As a result of the competition, in the second round the victory was won by Zurab Alasaniya (10 votes in favor, 7 against. 2nd candidate for the position Oleh Nalyvaiko received 7 votes in favor, 10 against).

The Ministry of information policy of Ukraine welcomes Mr. Zurab and wishes him inspiration in the work on the structure and control system, as well as on content, traditions and rules of quality, impartial journalism on the Public broadcaster.

Minister Yurii Stets commented on the appointment: “Another important step towards the reform of the Public broadcaster has been taken today – the chairman has been elected. I am convinced that wisdom, creativity and willpower of Zurab will produce quick results and society will receive a quality information product. We’re moving on…”

Note that voting for candidates was done by the members of the Supervisory Board of PJSC “NPBCU”.

8 applicants went to the contest and were approved by the Supervisory Board:

  •  Zurab Alasaniya;
  •  Roman Vybranovskyi;
  •  Yurii Darahan;
  •  Oleksandr Zyrin;
  •  Oleksandr Zorka;
  •  Oleksandr Kovalenko;
  •  Oleh Nalyvaiko;
  •  Marek Sierant.

Each one of them has substantiated to the members of the Supervisory Board of PJSC “NPBCU” why his concept suits the interests of society. And the Council had chosen a decent candidate on the results of the auditions.