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Social Initiative Regarding 'Cyborgs' Film Screening

Social Initiative Regarding 'Cyborgs' Film Screening

November 27th, a Meeting of the Public Council under MIP to Be Held

November 27th, a Meeting of the Public Council under MIP to Be Held

On November 21, International Campaign "Ukrainian Politics and Mass Media as Viewed by Youth" to Be Summarized

On November 21, International Campaign "Ukrainian Politics and Mass Media as Viewed by Youth" to Be Summarized

MIP to Present News Materials ".RAW Ukraine on the Frontline" in New York City

MIP to Present News Materials ".RAW Ukraine on the Frontline" in New York City

Supported by MIP, on 14 November 2017, International Campaign “Ukrainian Politics and Media as Viewed by the Youth” is to Begin

Supported by MIP, on 14 November 2017, International Campaign “Ukrainian Politics and Media as Viewed by the Youth” is to Begin

Ilmi Umerov, a Winner of the Prize of the European Memory and Conscience Platform

Ilmi Umerov, a Winner of the Prize of the European Memory and Conscience Platform

On November 6, MIP to Report on Nine Month of Work

On November 6, MIP to Report on Nine Month of Work

Public Diplomacy as an Effective Tool to Protect Human Rights and De-occupy Crimea

Public Diplomacy as an Effective Tool to Protect Human Rights and De-occupy Crimea

MIP: Press Conference of Liberated Mejlis Leaders Ilmi Umerov and Akhtem Chyihoz Put Off

MIP: Press Conference of Liberated Mejlis Leaders Ilmi Umerov and Akhtem Chyihoz Put Off

MIP: On October 14, Japanese Artist Is Coming to Ukraine for the First Time with Manga-Style Illustrations of Ukrainian Servicemen

MIP: On October 14, Japanese Artist Is Coming to Ukraine for the First Time with Manga-Style Illustrations of Ukrainian Servicemen

October 5: 70 Years Away. Exposition Which United Two Generations of Ukraine's Defenders

October 5: 70 Years Away. Exposition Which United Two Generations of Ukraine's Defenders

September 27: Press Conference Regarding Sentenced Given Deputy Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People Ilmi Umerov

September 27: Press Conference Regarding Sentenced Given Deputy Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People Ilmi Umerov