Press release

Yurii Stets: “Vatican Strives to Establish Peace in Ukraine and Supports Us with Prayer”

Yurii Stets: "Official Appeal to MIA on Instituting Criminal Proceeding regarding the Crime Committed against Gulsum Khalilova to Be Registered Already Tomorrow Morning!"

Yurii Stets: "The recognition of the deportation in 1944 as a genocide of the Crimean Tatars is a symbol of political maturity and responsibility of the Ukrainian State"

MIP: People's deputies voted for a foreign broadcasting system of Ukraine in the first reading

Yurii Stets: "The attack of Russian security agencies on ATP is the attack on the last free press centers in the Crimea"

Ukraine and Israel have agreed on cooperation in the field of information policy of two states

Yurii Stets: "We present the report of the Commission as a counter to the speculations about the absence of Ukrainian broadcasting in Donbas"

Yurii Stets: "Ambassadors of Egypt, Turkey, Bulgaria assured me that UATV channel will appear in cable networks in these countries in the nearest future"

Minister of Information Policy of Ukraine Yurii Stets appointed a new Advisor on Information Policy of Crimea

United States donates FM radio transmitters to increase Ukraine’s capacity to broadcast into eastern Ukraine

MIP: Australia will assist in securing access to foreign broadcasting of Ukrainian to its residents on the mainland

MIP: Government adopted a resolution concerning the unimpeded activity of media during pre-election period