Press release

Statement of the Ministry of information policy of Ukraine regarding the possible cessation of satellite broadcast of the ATR TV channel

MIP: The interdepartmental working group to develop amendments to the legislation in the sphere of freedom of speech was established


Minister of information policy requires the fastest possible investigation of threats to the journalist Kristina Berdinskikh

The parliamentary Committee on freedom of speech and information policy of Ukraine has debriefed the approved MIP plan of activity for 2016

MIP: Slovenia has passed to Ukraine transmitters to renew broadcasting in ATO area

Government has supported the Concept of the Government Communication Reform, developed by the Ministry of Information Policy of Ukraine

MIP progress analysis of activity 2015

MIP: In Starobilsk Luhansk region broadcasting of one more Ukrainian TV channel was renewed

President of Ukraine signed the Law "On the international broadcasting system of Ukraine"

Minister of Information Policy of Ukraine Yurii Stets has reported to journalists, public on the year of activity and publicly announced about his resignation

MIP reported to the Government, citizens and journalists about the broadcast restoration of Ukrainian TV channels and radio stations in Donetsk and Luhansk regions