Press release

MIP Presents Report and Prospects for Development of Ukraine's Information Policy

Emine Dzhaparova: "UN is one of the main sites for the protection of the Crimean Tatars from Russian repressions"

Yurii Stets called on the world to turn its attention to the cases of Suschenko and Semena on the World Press Freedom Day

Dzhaparova at the opening of the ArtHub for foreign media: "We would like to tell about unusual Ukraine"

Yurii Stets: "NPBCU" has got a chairman, we're moving on!"

MIP: The tower in Chonhar is officially open

Yurii Stets: "I am proud to work with such a team"

The Government has appointed Dmytro Zolotukhin as the Deputy Minister of information policy of Ukraine

Yurii Stets at NATO HQ: "The world has faced with a hybrid war which has completely changed the rules of interaction in information space"

Yurii Stets and Thorbjørn Jagland, the Secretary General of the Council of Europe discussed the protection of freedom of expression and journalists in the Russian-occupied territories of Ukraine

National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine has approved the information security doctrine of Ukraine

MIP: The Cabinet of Ministers adopted a statute of the Public broadcasting