Press release

MIP: A roadmap for the development of the Crimean information reintegration strategy was presented in Ukraine

Yurii Stets: "Public broadcasting will be launched in the next year"

MIP: New composition of the Commission on the broadcasting renewal has been approved

Ukraine, the United Kingdom, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania discussed the priority directions of work in the field of states' information space

MIP: Germany and Ukraine discussed possible ways of cooperation

MIP: Ukraine and NATO will continue cooperation for the introduction of the state strategic communications' system

MIP: The Ukrainian World Congress will contribute to spread the truth about Ukraine in the world

Yuri Stets: "Our grandfathers and great grandfathers fought for their right to independence that we can create our own future"

International Arabic cultural center will promote the dissemination of objective and truthful information from Ukraine among the countries of the Middle East

MIP: Radio "Holos Donbasu" is now available in Mariinka

MIP: The newly appointed Advisor to the Minister Geo Leros will be responsible for art projects in АТО zone

Yurii Stets: "The establishment of the interagency working group of law enforcement authorities to investigate the death of Pavlo Sheremet within the shortest possible time will be initiated at a meeting of the Government"